Friday, February 12, 2010


Everyday life consists of norms that society has for us. Whether we chose to follow them or not is our choice, but they are a way to be successful and to be accepted in society. The group norms at SJSU are many depending on who you are; for example, there are students like myself who are expected to be hardworking, quiet and attentive in some classes while participative in others, prepared, and etc. Moreover, there is a group that exists for teachers and their norms are to also be prepared, and etc. At SJSU all groups, whether you are a teacher, student, administrator, or etc, has to follow both implicit and explicit norms. Explicit norms are the no cheating policy expressed on our green sheets for example, while implicit norms are that we must be courteous to our teachers and fellow students.

My life out of SJSU is mainly spent at my job, where there are crucial norms that need to be abided by. These norms though are also roles that I need to follow on my everyday life. Whether I am going to work or a meeting with a friend, being on time is crucial in order to show respect for the other person. Of course, some are more flexible than others, but still, being on time, courteous, dress standards, and behavior standards are all in place. Adapting to the norm at work, the norm while with friends, the norm while at school, the norm with the opposite sex and so forth was a process. One begins being just one way and slowly learns that in order to be successful in life one needs to adapt and change to your environment and who you are with. There is even a norm for language depending on where you are. One can not speak in the same way you do with your friends at work, and one can not speak at school as you do at work. Little by little, one learns their role in society and different groups.

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